
How Student-Centered is Your Classroom?

AdobeStock_371575830 (1)Most teachers like to think their classrooms are student-centered when in reality, most are designed to meet the needs of the teacher. Developing a strong student-centered classroom requires a significant mindset shift as well as new tools and strategies for the teacher. 

What's the difference, you ask?  

  • In teacher-centered learning — the more traditional approach — the teacher serves the familiar role of delivering all the learning content, presenting information to the students, who are expected to receive the knowledge being presented. If the teacher can make the content interesting day after day, this works-- but otherwise, it can lead to passive learning and disengagement.
  • In student-centered learning, the teacher functions as more of a coach or designer of learning experiences as students embrace a more active and collaborative role in their own learning. Students have increased agency, more choices, better engagement, and more responsibility for their own learning. As a result, teachers have more time to work with individuals and small groups, advancing SEL. And, students perform better!

Take our fun, formative assessment survey to determine how student-centered your classroom actually is! At the conclusion, you’ll be provided access to free resources, videos, and tools for making your classroom even more student-centered than it is today.

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